
I name myself and for a moment I pretend I can be small and ethereal

I name myself again and for a moment I can ground myself in the sharp snick of a K across my


I wish my name was pressed to your lips and that you were the one tearing it apart but you


So I back up, reevaluate, I flip it around so it’s still spiteful

I add Carcinogen, I add Bubonic Plague, I add Centipede and Sadism

And I turn it into a soup of nicknames that can roll out of your mouth

And I can’t stop staring at your mouth because it doesn’t form my name as violently as I want it to

I shake it up, remove the hatred, remove the cursing

I add soft sounds, cradle Ss and Es

I hold it gently, like an animal that won’t bite me

I sit with it

And I sit with it

I name myself again and add God

I name myself Angel because I want to be holy

Artist Statement

seraph/serif is partially a kind of love letter and partially an exploration of my history with naming myself. 


Zak Struck

I am a sophomore at Bennington College and I'm studying literature and SCT. I've always been really interested in the ways people talk about their gender and a lot of my poetry excavates my own experiences with transness.



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